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This is the story of a man who found his island. A Robinson, master of views and the shore. See it. He patrols this in-between that has no name, between the sea and the land, in this coastal strip where the cans carried by the currents wash up. These vestiges of plastic cling to rocks, get stuck in crevices, and allow themselves to be polished by the swell. Irrelevant sentinels placed at random, they cause melancholy. And the eye that flies over the sand never ceases to fixate in these clichés, the tired materials of these souls wandering for too long. “Sunt Lacrimae rerum,” wrote Virgil. It is the cry of these things that the photographer comes to collect, in this dialogue of solitudes.

Thierry Grillet - writter

Text of the exhibition, dicember 2014


Thierry Konarzewski is a visual photographer living and working between Paris and Italy.
Born in Benin, he spent the first years of his life in Africa where animism strongly permeated his visual imagination. Artistic Director in advertising, he quickly created his own agency while continuing to nourish his aesthetic attraction and his interest in the memory of things. He creates ephemeral installations of objects found in nature and workplaces.

In 2000, the cans washed up in the coves of the island of San Pietro in Sardinia decided his work of photographic writing: our waste is for him a metaphor for the human soul, our relationship with the body, death and the coronation. They also tell us about our society, its past and its future.
From this artistic approach was born an aesthetic and ethical project.


2015 — Finalist, LensCulture Hearth Awards 2015
2013 — Nominated for the Prix Pictet "Consumption"

Private collection
JP Morgan Chase - London
Fondation EDF - Paris

Ardagh Group - Paris

Museo Civico di Cagliari, Sardaigne — Enosim - Il posto delle anime  | 23 March / 14 May
Carloforte,  Sardegna After The Future - Paesaggi insonni | 17 July / 3 september 2017

Carloforte, Ile de San Pietro, Sardinia Enosim | 29 June / 31 August
Rencontres de la Photographie, Arles | Fondation Manuel Rivera-Ortiz — Ulysse en Arles | 6 July / 20 september
Espace Electra, Paris | Fondation EDF — Enosim | 23 Dicember / 25 January 2015
Artefiera, Bologne avec Little Birds Gallery — Enosim | 24/27 January

Proposta MIA - MIA Fair — Enosim | 9/12 May |Superstudio Milan




Fondazione DINO ZOLI — Utopiche seduzioni | 28 October  2023 / 24 March 2024 - Forlì

Les MétamorFoses - LE JAD |13/23 April, Paris


Les MétamorFoses - Musées des Arts et Métiers |9/12 June, Paris

Art Miami | 4/9 December, Miami | Galerie Francesco Vangelli

YIA Art Fair | 9/12 March, Masstricht | Little Birds Gallery
Fotofever | 11/13 novembre, Carrousel du Louvre, Paris | Little Birds Gallery
YIA Art Fair | 20/23 octobre, Le Carreau du Temple, Paris| Little Birds Gallery
La Nuit de L'ICART | 27 March, Paris
Artefiera | 29 gennaio / 1er February, Bologna | Little Birds Gallery
Fotofever | 13/15 November, Carrousel du Louvre, Paris| Little Birds Gallery
Involvement | 15 April 2015 / 15 April 2016 | Clervaux, Luxembourg | Cité de l'Image
Artefiera | 23/26 January, Bologna | Little Birds Gallery

Fotofever | 14/16 November, Paris | Little Birds Gallery
MIA Fair Singapore| 24/26 October, Singapour | Little Birds Gallery



SARDINIA POST…IT | After the future: i paesaggi insonni di Thierry Konarzewski — Enrico Pinna, Scatti di Nervi 
UNIONE SARDA.IT | After the future. Thierry Konarzewski in mostra da domani a Carloforte — Francesco Abatte 
RAI 1 | Top tutto che fa tendenza | RAI 2 | RAI 3 News 
ICOM - 18 May | Giornata Internazionale dei Musei |Musei Civici di Cagliari propongono la tavola rotonda "Il paesaggio dei rifiuti" che prende spunto dalla mostra Enosim. Il posto delle anime di Thierry Konarzewski, curata da Raffaella Venturi e recentemente prorogata fino al 28 May 2017.
VIDEOLINA | Giornata dei musei, Cagliari racconta l'indicibile con ''Il posto delle anima'' 
AINAS MAGAZINE | Souls, weapons, tears - Interview of Thierry Grillet

ARTECRACY |Thierry Konarzewski. Enosim, il posto delle anime - by Caterina Pinna  Read more 
ART TRIBUNE | I rifiuti secondo Thierry Konarzewski a Cagliari — by Elisabetta Masala 
RADIO X | ENOSIM: Al Cartec in mostra : I “volti” portatti dal mare — Interview with Raffaella Venturi, curator
UNIONE SARDA | Le "anime perdute" di Konarzewski : visi che mare e vento hanno modellato — Grazia Pili
UNIONE SARDA.IT | Con "Enosim" l'artista Thierry Konarzewski sbarca al Cartec di Cagliari 
SARDINIA POST.IT | Enosim, Il posto delle anime erranti di Thierry Konarzewski — Enrico Pinna, Scatti di Nervi Read more
CORRIERE DELLA SERA - LA LETTURA - 2 April 2017 | CARTEC : I fantasmi dell'inquinamento negli scatti di Konarzewski


INTERRIS.IT | Enosim, quando i rifiuti diventano arte — Di Daniele Vice | 17 July  — 
SARDINIAPOST.IT | Enosim: a Carloforte le anime erranti di Konarzewski — Enrico Pinna | 13 July.  Blog Scatti di nervi | Read more 
ANSA.IT | Mostre: i rifiuti 'animati' portati dal mare nell'isola di San Pietro | Le foto di Konarzewski a Carloforte… | Read more
UNIONE SARDA | 07 luglio | Konarzewski, il rabdomante che dà vita alle anime perse — di Raffaella Venturi | Read more

Il SOLE 24 ORE | 04.02.2016 : Italy’s Arte Fiera marks photography’s newly acquired role in contemporary art. Di Laura Leonelli "...dramatic gravitas of Thierry Konarzewski's Relics, of the Little Birds Gallery in Paris, a homage to Ulysses' visage and sea voyages: an intense theme, that of the wandering soul…"  Read more
POSITANO NEWS | 31.01.2016 : Bologna. Arte Fiera. Successo della edizione 2016, N. 40. Di Maurizio Vitiello "Thierry Konarzewski è, fondamentalmente, un poeta della “visione elaborata”. Le sue fotografie inquadrano la natura e le “giustapposizioni iconiche” dei rifiuti riconsiderano il “timing” della nostra vita... Read more


THE CREATORS PROJECT | Enosim : Photographer Captures the Surprising Humanity of Our Garbage | Read more
THIS ISN'T HAPPINESS | Enosim : Future Ancien Gods | Read more
LENS CULTURE | Enosim - Wasted Souls : Seemingly useless plastic debris comes to life when animated withe primitive, heroic souls Read more
FLOZ MAGAZINE | After The Future |  Read more

DNN / Design diffusion News — N° 216 - November 2015 | Enosim : Superstiti dal Mare / Sea Survivors by Laura Galimberti

RADIO 3DFM, podcast | 6 July 2015 | Interview by Claire Imbert about ULYSSE EN ARLES - Manuel Rivera-Ortiz Fundation.

CITÉ DE L'IMAGE - Clervaux | 2015 / 2016 season | Enosim - Warriors souls / The rebirth of wast or ecological involvement Read more


WALL STREET INTERNATIONAL / ART | 23 Dicember 2014. | Thierry Konarzewski présente à l’Espace Fondation EDF du 23 décembre au 25 janvier une sélection de 22 photographies de la série ENOSIM réalisées entre 2009 et 2014. L’exposition est enrichie par une œuvre sonore originale imaginée par l’artiste et réalisée par :such: 

NOW HOW | 21 August 2014 | I rifiuti si fanno arte “La sua opera fotografica si contraddistingue per originalità e profondità”, ci spiega Rita. “Da semplice fotografia di resti ritrovati sulla spiaggia, l’oggetto fotografato  diventa una maschera ancestrale, rimandi di totem animistici della madre Africa, continente in cui l’artista ha trascorso  la sua infanzia. Read more

PHOTOGRAPHIE.COM / Arles, July 2014 | Christine Ordioni et Rita Sberlati, co-directrices de Little Bird Gallery parlent de leur photographe Thierry Konarzewski — Interview by Didier de Faÿs. Voir l'interview

CORRIERE DI BOLOGNA | 24 January 2014 |…Anche l’ampio spazio ricavato alla fotografia esplora i classici come Werner Bischof, Robert Capa e Henri Cartier Bresson e i nuovi sguardi. Come quello di Thierry Konarzewski (Little birds gallery) che trasforma particolari di rifiuti trovati in spiaggia in inquiete maschere e totem senza tempo. Read more

CORRIERE DELLA SERA / Bologna | 24 January 2014 |...una sezione dedicata alla fotografia dove regnano, tra le altre cose, la poesia di Luigi Ghirri o belle invenzioni come quella proposta della giovane Little Birds Gallery. Qui lo spazio è dato a Thierry Konarzewski fotografo che ritrae macroparticolari di rifiuti raccolti in spiaggia trasformandoli in inquiete maschere o totem senza tempo.

IL Resto DEL CARLINO / QN | 23 January 2014 | Nella sezione speciale dedicata alla fotografia, curata dal direttore di Mia Fair, Fabio Castelli, la galleria Little Birds di Parigi espone il progetto singolare dell'artista Thierry Konarzewski... Read more

ARTSLIFE.COM | 21 January 2014 |Anche I bidoni hanno un anima : lo racconta Konarzewski con i suoi scatti. Read more


PHOTOGRAPHIE.COM / Meeting con Thierry Konarzewski by Roxana Traista | 6 December 2013 | “I want to raise public awareness of the ecological consequences of our actions” When he discovered, on a fine winter morning, the numerous pieces of plastic washed up on the beach, Thierry Konarzewski contemplated them for a long time. He thinks of everything the castaways had to endure before arriving here, at his feet: the rejection, the loneliness, the cold, the wind, the waves, the crossing. Thierry Konarzewski doesn't know it yet, but these distorted objects will change his life.

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